Thursday, February 15, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Rejects Plea Deal; Facing 5 Years In Prison

 Luann de Lesseps Rejects Plea Deal; Facing 5 Years In Prison

Luann D'Agostino

Luann D'Agostino

Typically when people get drunk and rowdy, the most they have to deal with is a pounding headache and some questionable social media footage. The same cannot be said for former countess Luann de Lesseps after her Christmas Eve arrest for drunk and disorderly conduct.

Aside from being in the public eye thanks to Real Housewives of New York, the story just kept building up. There were allegations that she kicked an officer, attempted to escape a police car, threatened “I’ll kill you all,” and among other things, rumor has it that this all went down when she attempted to drunkenly hook up in a hotel room that wasn’t her own, while the housekeeping staff was in the middle of turn down surface.

Last month, Luann’s court hearing in Palm Beach was cancelled and many people took that as a sign that the reality TV star and her lawyer had a plea deal in the works. It turns out that was true, but Luann wasn’t into the offer. She rejected a plea deal offer from the prosecution, according to an article from TMZ.

Luann wasn’t in the court room, but her lawyer was, on Wednesday morning when the offer was rejected. There is no word on the details of the offer or why Luann didn’t go for it, but it was a very risky move.

Luann is facing a felony for resisting an officer with violence, allegedly, which could put her in prison for five years. On top of that, she has two misdemeanors for trespassing and disorderly intoxication. Real Housewives of New York will be full of drama when the show returns for Season 10.

RELATED: Court Hearing For Luann de Lesseps Cancelled; Is There A Plea Deal In The Works?


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

The post Luann de Lesseps Rejects Plea Deal; Facing 5 Years In Prison appeared first on Reality Tea.

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