Friday, January 26, 2018

Arrow Season 6 Episode 11 Review: We Fall

Cayden James isn't kidding around as that is made clear in the latest chapter of Arrow.

But Arrow Season 6 Episode 11 also features Oliver having to step up as a dad to William when a not-so-secretive secret is revealed.

Oliver Is Determined - Arrow

I should have known years ago that at some point in Arrow's run, we'd see a big bad who was all about cyber-hacking. Luckily, we have Michael Emerson who is pulling that off role with grace.

Although it takes away the idea of Arrow Season 6 having multiple baddies as equal main villains. Because that was the idea they were hinting at the start of the season!

It also makes it look hilarious that certain weeks we don't see Black Siren and Ricardo Diaz around. What could they be up to while Cayden is, you know, terrorizing the city like nobody's business?

It's not something you exactly take a break away from! But hey I didn't take "How To B A Villain 101" in high school so what do I know.

Although is this the only way Cayden can strike the team? Because haven't we had plenty of villains in the past attacking Star City?

Black Canary Ready To Go - Arrow Season 6 Episode 11

I will accept Arrow recycling this storyline though because it has a different angle this time. Where did Cayden supposedly get "evidence" that Oliver did kill his son?

If our hero was busy recruiting Dinah last year at the time his son died, then someone must have faked that evidence. What if Adrian Chase posed as Green Arrow and got Cayden's kid killed to frame Ollie for it?

That is right now the only theory that would work. Although realistically, how many nights in a row will Oliver be able to wire over $10 million dollars until they're broke?

Something that Arrow Season 6 Episode 11 dealt with was William finding out about his daddy's secret. For a teenager, William sure took the news well as I was 100% convinced we'd see a classic teenage outburst.

But instead, we got what I felt was a well-written way to tackle that storyline. Although let's be real here, it was all thanks to Felicity that William was able to be so understanding.

Spartan Gets A Costume Upgrade - Arrow Season 6 Episode 11

I don't think our boy in green would have been able to do handle this if it hadn't been for her. The way Arrow is tackling Felicity being William's stepmother hasn't restricted her to have that as her only storyline.

That's something I'm extremely appreciative of because I don't want another re-run of Arrow Season 4. Felicity is more than a love-interest and now that she is Oliver's wife, that's more important than ever to remember.

Speaking of important things, what is going on with Vincent? I don't buy his story of being a double-agent, I think he is only saying that to get to Dinah. I feel that at any point this season, he can turn on them again and instead be a triple-agent.

Also, why work with Cayden if you are the Vigilante? He could take him out in a heartbeat given his track record! It feels odd that he has to even be a double-agent when he could put an end to this so easily.

Something that I'd enjoy quite a lot is if other members begin to turn on Cayden. This is where I could easily see Black Siren begin her redemption arc by joining her Earth-1 father's side.

Team Canary Coming Right At You - Arrow Season 6 Episode 11

I still don't think we have gotten to see more of Ricardo Diaz as he is simply there in the background. Richard Dragon (his comic name) is a decent big deal in the Green Arrow mythos so I expect the show to honor that.

In addition to that, you have Kirk Acevedo so put him to good use! Hopefully, he is getting some bigger focus in the coming episodes.

Something else I appreciated was Diggle addressing his feelings about Oliver being back in the suit. It's 100% understandable how he was hoping to get to suit up as Green Arrow again once he got the nerve damage taken care of.

After all, we saw how difficult it was for him to take on that role. I would be pretty annoyed too if it that was all for nothing. But at the same time, how great does his new Spartan suit look?

I'm not sure when Cisco would have had time to make it, but I guess anything for his pal Oliver. The ending of "We Fall" lived up to the episode's title, which I'm relieved about.

It's always annoying when an episode has this big meaningful title and then fails to live up to it. I'm still worried though how many nights Oliver is going to have to wire over $10 million dollars to Cayden until they're broke.

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Overall, "We Fall" was a powerful episode that is increasing the stakes for Arrow Season 6 more than ever. Cayden continues to be an impressive villain, even though we hope to see the other baddies get some spotlight.

Now it's your turn to let us know what you thought of Arrow Season 6 Episode 11! What do you think about Cayden's latest move?

Are you happy that William finally knows his daddy's secret? Can Team Canary trust Vincent?

Remember you can watch Arrow online right here via TV Fanatic! Catch up with the Emerald Archer on his crusade to protect Star City!

This post appear first on Arrow Season 6 Episode 11 Review: We Fall by Andy Behbakht

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