Tuesday, May 01, 2018

The Terror Season 1 Episode 7 Review: Horrible From Supper

Cornelius Hickey has lost his mind.

The once charming Mr. Hickey revealed himself to the be the true monster of the expedition when he murdered two of his fellow men on The Terror Season 1 Episode 7

He was just itching to thrust his knife into someone, and the food problem gave him the perfect excuse to begin his own reign of terror.

I could be wrong, but it seems that Hickey was escaping from something when he joined the expedition. He might have been looking for adventure, but that might not necessarily have been the case.

A Vulnerable Situation - The Terror

Hickey's got some serious issues. Eating another man is an act of desperation, but Hickey seems to think of it as sport. 

I don't know who Hickey carved up and put in that bag he threw at the other guy's feet in the tent, but he was too willing to indulge in the act of cannibalism to avoid starvation.

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The men aren't even starving yet. They need to find another source of food quickly before more of them go crazy, but no one else is thinking along the same lines as Hickey.

He's an island unto himself.

He might have seemed somewhat sane earlier, but dancing shirtless around his fresh kills was definitely a sign of crazy.

I don't believe this is the first time he's killed. He's done it before. He was way too comfortable with the knife, and he was way too excited when he killed Irving.

It wouldn't surprise me if he were a mass murderer before joined the crew of the Terror.

The lead poisoning in the food isn't the reason Hickey is doing what he's doing. He's doing what he's doing because he's insane.

Crazy Hickey - The Terror Season 1 Episode 7

The group of Inuits that Irving was talking to might be in danger, but the older man with the mask might be the one to sense some sort of danger.

I hope they get out of there before Hickey goes nuts with his knife. If he kills all of them, he'll have enough food for an army, but right now they are a non-issue.

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The real issue is what he's going to do with Irving and the other guy. Is he planning to use them as food? How will he even get away with it?

I was half expecting Hickey to turn around with blood all over his face from eating that other guy when Irving came upon him.

There's a possibility that the lead is affecting his brain, but as I mentioned earlier, I believe he's always been a murderer and was only waiting for the perfect excuse to start doing his dirty deeds.

The Tuunbaq hasn't reared its ugly head for quite some time, and the men are starting to feel confident the thing got killed during its run-in with Blanky, but we know it's not true.

Why the Tuunbaq hasn't come around is anyone's guess, but it could be because Lady Silence is keeping it at bay.

Either way, the nightmare is far from over for the men even if they are making progress.

Francis Makes a Decision - The Terror Season 1 Episode 7

I'm not sure exactly why Lady Silence is still with them or even why she showed up at the disastrous party, but she's feeling mighty comfortable being in their midst.

It was surprising to see her lay with Goodsir to try to comfort him. She remembered how kind he was to her and wanted to repay the favor. 

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I'm not sure anyone else would see it that way, but there's a definite connection between her and Dr. Goodsir. It's going to be interesting to see how it plays out and whether or not that connection will protect him when the Tuunbaq strikes again -- and you know it's going to return at some point.

Francis is going to have a real problem on his hands once the word gets out that the food is rotten. The men have already seen the results of lead poisoning, and it wasn't pretty.

What he should do is use Lady Silence as a resource. He should realize that she might be able to give them tips on how to find food. I don't get why he hasn't approached her for some help.

The group might be on land, but there has to be a food source somewhere. If not, Hickey's killing rampage might be the solution they'll need to survive!

Over to you!

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Were you surprised at Hickey's actions?

Why is Lady Silence still tagging along?

What will the men do when they find out about the food?

Hit the comments and share your thoughts!

If you need to catch up, you can watch The Terror online right here via TV Fanatic!

This post appear first on The Terror Season 1 Episode 7 Review: Horrible From Supper by Lisa Babick

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