Sunday, April 01, 2018

The Arrangement Season 2 Episode 4 Review: Scene 23

Does anyone even remember The Kill Plan because I sure don't? The film made its premiere but didn't go over well with audiences or critics causing Kyle to feel like a failure.

While Kyle's fear of failure is an interesting concept to explore, the more interesting parts of The Arrangement Season 2 Episode 4 were Megan's failure to listen to Shaun and the fallout of her stupidity.

Fancy Couple

When is Megan going to realize that Terence is all knowing? What she should really do is give up the fight to take down the Institute of the Higher Mind and Terence because she's not going to be successful.

It's clear as day now that Terence knows exactly what's going on, and I'll bet my bottom dollar that Shaun spilled the beans about everything. After her weird naked session with Terence and the rest of the IHM group, she's fully succumbed to the Kool-Aid she's been trying to stay away from.

Related: The Arrangement Season 2 Episode 3: The Sessions

The only reason he even had that session was to get into Shaun's head because he knew he was onto something. He has an uncanny ability to read people, and with his resources, he can find out what he wants when he wants. He's honed the ability over the years, and anyone will be hard-pressed to beat him at his game.

I'm even starting to believe that he had something to do with Mason's death. We still don't know what happened to Deann's lover, but it's odd that she died right after her love fest with Deann.

Deann Remembers Mason - The Arrangement Season 2 Episode 4

Mason didn't fit into his plans of having a baby with Deann, so I'm guessing that Terence did what he does best -- he got rid of the obstacle.

Terence is a sick man. I'm sure Megan isn't the first person to try to destroy him and The Institute of the Higher Mind. She's just going to be a fail at it like everyone else before her.

Deciding to meet with hope wasn't the smartest move. Hope is a vindictive bitch, and as soon as she knew what Megan wanted, the wheels started churning about how she was going to twist things to her advantage.

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The tension of that whole car scene was incredible. At first, I thought Terence sent someone to follow Megan. I was waiting for Hope to get shot in the head and for Megan to be dragged off for another session in the cage or whatever they call that isolated area at IHM.

But Hope had every intention of using Megan. She set it all up. Her movie is coming out, and a scandal with superstar Megan is one way to amp up the publicity.

Hope, the Deceiver - The Arrangement Season 2 Episode 4

Megan continues to show what an idiot she truly is. Not only is she continuing to let Terence get into her head, but she's making poor choices. She's also blind as a bat. 

I'm also starting to wonder if she has any internal warning system because bells should have been going off about Shaun for quite some time. It makes me crazy that Megan is so stupid, but maybe that's what Hollywood does to you. 

At least she was smart enough to walk away from Zach. If Terence learned Megan's plans from Shaun, she's in a hell of a lot of trouble. There's no way Kyle is going to take her side. She has no one to turn to and no one to trust. Her world is completely over.

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The only hope she has is if Shaun didn't tell Terence everything, but, as I said earlier, she finally drank the Kool-Aid, and her alliance is now fully with Terence and IHM even if she says differently.

Deann drank the Kool-Aid a long time ago, but it seemed like she was finally coming out of the fog. Unfortunately, Terence worked his magic, and she's back under his spell.

It gave me chills when he told her he wanted to leave a part of himself behind. Isn't that what all those crazy cult leaders say?

Making a Baby - The Arrangement Season 2 Episode 4

Deann is an experiment. He wants to see if he can actually father a child. After baby number one, he's going to go down the list of all the pretty women at IHM and convince them to have his baby, too. 

My bet is that Shaun will be next.

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Someone needs to stop this guy. Wouldn't it be great if Kyle came to his senses and was the one to help Megan end it before it got any crazier?

Over to you guys!

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What did you think of "Scene 23"? Does Megan have brains? Did Shaun spill everything? Did Terence kill Mason?

Hit the comments and share your thoughts!

If you need to catch up, you can watch The Arrangement online right here via TV Fanatic!

This post appear first on The Arrangement Season 2 Episode 4 Review: Scene 23 by Lisa Babick

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