Tuesday, May 01, 2018

17 Most Unstable Characters of All Time

When we watch our favorite TV shows, we connect with the characters. But what happens when those characters are unstable, and we love them and hate them at the same time? We don't quite know what to do with them because we never know what they're going to do next.

Their unpredictable nature is what keeps us watching. They add spice to every storyline whether we like them or not, and they take us on a ride like no other!

We love that part, don't we?

Whether we root for them or not, and whether we love them or hate them, one thing we do is watch them, and we enjoy every minute of it.

Do you have an unstable character in mind yet? Flip through our list of the top 17 most unstable characters and see if yours made the cut. If they didn't, add yours to the comments.

1. Gregory House - House

Gregory house
House is brilliant, it's true, but his drug addiction coupled with his narcissism and arrogance, make him one unstable dude. You never know what's going to come out of his mouth, but you know the person on the receiving end is going to hate it. It's surprising he wasn't smacked more on the show!

Are we the only ones who find him sexy?

2. Carrie Mathison - Homeland

Carrie mathison
Carrie takes bipolar to a whole 'nother level as a CIA agent in Homeland. Those faces alone show you how crazy she is, and she doesn't have to say a word.

She can't blame everything on her disorder; however, because her decisions are shoddy at best, even on her meds. If she hasn't already, Carrie Mathison will have you screaming at the TV.

3. Elliot Stabler - Law & Order: SVU

Elliot stabler
It's no coincidence Dick Wolf chose Elliot's last name as Stabler. It was obviously a joke because Elliot Stabler is anything but. He's a great detective, ex-Marine, dedicated husband, partner and father.


Put him in that interrogation room or in the court room, though, and you never know what to expect. Two words: anger issues!

4. Kai Anderson - American Horror Story: Cult

Kai anderson
If you're a fan of American Horror Story, you know that Evan Peters has played some unstable characters, but few hold a candle to Kai Anderson. He was messed up. Even the members of his cult didn't know what he was going to do next!

He went from charasmatic politician, to murderer, to hurt little brother without batting an eye.

That terrible blue hair dye job alone could've landed him on this list!

5. Cosmo Kramer - Seinfeld

Cosmo kramer
Not all unstable characters have to be dark, just look at Cosmo Kramer. This Seinfeld character shows that you can be insane and hilarious at the same time.

From erasing street divider lines to feeding Bette Midler pineapple italian ice, Kramer keeps TV viewers on their toes with his craziness. That's why we love him.

6. Ben Linus - LOST

Ben linus
Who could forget Ben Linus from LOST? You never knew what side he was on. Was he good or bad? It's hard to tell. Since you never knew what side he was on, you didn't know what he would do next.

Once you thought you had him figured out, Ben proved you wrong. What a crazy roller coaster.

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This post appear first on 17 Most Unstable Characters of All Time by Kim Russell

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