Thursday, March 01, 2018

Luann de Lesseps: “Not Drinking Is Exhausting”; Jokes About Christmas Eve Arrest

 Luann de Lesseps: “Not Drinking Is Exhausting”; Jokes About Christmas Eve Arrest

Luann D'Agostino

Luann D'Agostino

The Real Housewives of New York viewers have watched Luann de Lesseps go through a lot over the years, including two marriages, getting called out for a one night stand, downgrading to a “Friend of the Housewives,” and now that list includes getting arrested.

Following her Christmas Eve arrest, Luann has issued a series of public apologies, checked in and out of rehab, and now she’s performing in her own cabaret show and making jokes at her own expense.

Luann performed on February 27. Page Six reports that Luann told her the audience,“I feel so much love here.” She even joked, “I had a list of songs but had to reconsider ‘Jailhouse Rock.’” Is that hilarious, or is it too soon to kid about?

During the performance, Luann admitted, “I fought the law and the law won. She added, “Crazy for thinking I could get out of those handcuffs.” It definitely wasn’t the smartest move.

Luann even confessed, “Not drinking is exhausting. Getting up at six and going to my meetings and to yoga and then filming ‘Housewives.’” She explained,“I’m dead by 10 o’clock I’m wiped out, I’m exhausted. And usually, I’m just starting at the Regency at that time.” What a difference a year makes. I wonder when Luann’s last Regency appearance was.

According to an article from Entertainment Tonight, Luann joked, “I can say I’ve learned one thing from this experience. Everyone should memorize three phone numbers you should call if you went to jail. Think about it. When you get arrested, they confiscate your cell phone.” That actually is a valid point. Thanks to our cell phones, a lot of us do not have a good amount of phone numbers memorized.

RELATED: Luann de Lesseps Rejects Plea Deal; Facing 5 Years In Prison


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

The post Luann de Lesseps: “Not Drinking Is Exhausting”; Jokes About Christmas Eve Arrest appeared first on Reality Tea.

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